These tools are designed to help you train efficiently for a specific goal.
For example, you can:
Calculate what pace you need to run each mile/km of your next race at to hit your target finish time. Works for any race distance, be it a 5k, a marathon, or a 100k ultramarathon.
Predict your finishing time for your next race (be it a 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon or ultra) on the basis of a previous race finishing time.
A chart displaying the pace that you need to run at to achieve your target finish time over a number of common race distances (5k, 10k, half marathon, and marathon).
Convert your running paces from Minutes/Mile to Minutes/KM (and vice versa).
Training Plan is an application from which provides a series of tools designed to help runners train efficiently and achieve their goals. Get it now on iOS and Android.
Double Negative is an event photography platfrom from the team behind Photographers can upload there photos and share them with participants using facial recognition and race number search.